luni, 9 septembrie 2013

Network marketing-the best solution for financial independence

    Wich is the best way to make a business in 21st Century? I prefer Network Marketing. The principal reason for wich I found this business idea a best way to improve my bank account is because involve other people and, they have the opportunity to be private entrepreneurs not employees. In one of my past posts, about Money Quadrant, the employer is that person who have to pay the high level of fees and taxes. In a traditional business, an entrepreneur have employees, in this excelent business, Network Marketing, anyone is a private entrepreneur.

miercuri, 4 septembrie 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness

Great inspirational movie! Good for a motivational day!

" You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period"

marți, 3 septembrie 2013

Money quadrant

My favourite teacher in financial domain is Robert Kiyosaki. The first book that I read is named "Money quadrant".  After I read it, I understand the huge difference between classical education and modern education based on changing. First, our mentality, and second, our relationship with money.

More than that, this book explain the four methods to make money, by active peoples.


Here, it's a video about "Money Quadrant", :

luni, 2 septembrie 2013

Direct sales,MLM or Network Marketing?

          Actually, they all fall under the general umbrella of “direct sales.” Historically, direct selling only involved direct person-to-person sales, often door-to-door. In the 1950’s companies such as Amway, Shaklee and Mary Kay introduced to the direct seller the ability to sponsor other sellers, to build a sales organization, and to receive an override commission on the sales in their sales organization at multiple levels. 

       This is the origin of MLM, multilevel marketing and network marketing, which are all the same thing; i.e., direct sales with a multiple-level compensation opportunity. In addition, in the 1950’s companies such as Tupperware and Home Interiors applied group selling, in the home, to direct selling and from this origin grew the party plan. Today party plan selling is direct selling and virtually every party plan company is also MLM because it rewards sellers for sales in a sales organization built by the direct seller.
